Sports with Michael

Today we went to the canopy to do P.E with Michael. First we had to build a tower type thing with hula hoops , then three people from the group of five that you were in would, had to crawl through the challenging hula hoops. It was fun and challenging because sometimes your leg may have hit the hula hoops and it would fall down. If that happens you have to make the tower type thing again. After that little game finished we played another one.This is how we played it: First there would be two or three taggers and two or three people with hula hoops that could revive the other people that have been tagged.If you get tagged you have to lie down on the ground on your tummy and not move the people with the hoops come over and hold the hula hoops in front of you then you crawl through it. We also played a game were you get in buddy’s and move a little way away from each other. One person will turn around and the other won’t one of the people will sneak up on the other person and tag them,then the other person will turn around and try and tag the other person. Then you swap over so you get a chance to run away as well.


One thought on “Sports with Michael

  1. Well done Rose, what a great start to your posting for the year! Which was the favourite part of PE for you? I really like the Sneak Up Tag, do you think we could play that for our fitness break?

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