Category: Hanga | Create


Yesterday we had to identify the different things in the bible. We did this on a piece of paper and coloured the different things in. Something I now know is that there are over 40 authors of the bible. Something else I learnt was that it was written in Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew. 

Be accepting

For RE are class made pink tops on are device. We did this for the stop bullying campaign. This is my mine:  I tried to do a peace sign but it didn’t really work. Have you made a T – shirt? Also I got a T – shirt  of the internet and then drew around it.















For maths the year sevens have been learning about measurements. We had to do this because lots of people got the question wrong in the PAT test. We made a slideshow with lots of different measurements on it. This is my one:


For RE we got into groups and then every group got a virtue. We could choose if we wanted to do a poster, rap, song or video. The virtue that the group I was in got given the virtue of gratitude. We decided to do a poster as well. On the poster we had to write ways we were going to show gratitude in term two.

Duffy Books

Today we got our Duffy books. The Duffy books I got were The Day The Banana Went Bad.

I got that book for my little sister. Most of the books didn’t really interest me or were my thing.

Whats your favourite book?